The New Face of Dr. Stephen Greenberg's Web Presence By Andy Gassaway on February 06, 2013

New Einstein Medical plastic surgery website for Dr. Stephen Greenberg

Plastic surgeon Stephen Greenberg in Long Island is a big name in his field. It’s not just his reputation and the results he helps patients achieve – Dr. Greenberg is frequently featured on television shows, cited in news articles, and is the host of a radio show about trends in cosmetic surgery. Being in the public eye as often as Dr. Greenberg is makes it necessary to maintain the best possible appearance on all fronts, including his Web presence. Today, Einstein Medical is pleased to present the all-new, a fully customized, attractive new site that makes it equally simple to schedule a consultation, download a podcast, or enjoy one of Dr. Greengberg’s many articles.

The new site features an ultra-clean, soothing aqua blue and white color scheme. An innovative three-panel slide show at the top of the home page begins by introducing Dr. Greenberg’s primary treatment categories: Face, Breast, and Body. Next, Dr. Greenberg’s various appearances in the press and on TV and radio shows can be easily browsed. Scrolling down, customized buttons guide prospective patients through Dr. Greenberg’s myriad specialties. The entire site’s content was migrated from a previous aesthetic framework, and the amount of information Dr. Greenberg offers is massive. Our engineers created an incredible new layout for this Long Island plastic surgeon’s site that makes it incredibly simple to navigate this information. Images are enticing but not distracting, and the user is never more than a quick scroll and click away from learning more about Dr. Greenberg’s services, viewing testimonials, or reading the latest blog entry.

The new look of is modern and sophisticated, allowing visitors to meet Dr. Greenberg through a variety of videos, articles and other media.  It was a pleasure to put our artistic license and user interface know-how to work, giving Long Island plastic surgeon Stephen Greenberg a stunning new web presence.

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“I have been working with Einstein Medical for 3 years. Girard Evalle and Michael Berman have been wonderful to work with. Everything that we have planned with regards to SEO, Lead generation , website rankings and website design have been excellent. Highly recommended.”
- Gaston Tessada, Managing Director of Oasis of Hope Hospital
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