Categories, Cases and Image Sets

Adding a New Category

When adding a new category, you can either enter the name of a category in the Title field or select a Default category from the drop down. The difference between selecting a category from the drop down and entering one manually is that when you select a category from the drop down it comes preconfigured with a stock image for the category  thumbnail. Categories not listed will utilize the first case thumbnails for the category thumbnail. You can also upload your own category thumbnails. Please note the suggested image size suggestion.

Adding a Customized Thumbnail to a Category

Default models are automatically provided to known category types in the category drop down menu. To add a custom thumbnail for your category, click the 'Settings' link under the Category thumbnail, click the 'Choose File' button and select an image from your computer. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Update Category' button.

Adding a New Case

When adding a New Case, the gallery software will auto-number the title of the case for you. Enter a description of the case to provide your users with useful context. The EinsteinApps™ Photo Gallery software is designed in such a way that adding a case to your gallery results in a new page being added to your website. Since each case you add to your gallery also adds a page to your website, the description of that case becomes the content of that new page. Making your description sound like a story will give life to your case. Lastly, the heading override field is an opportunity to maximize the SEO value of your case. In this field, you'll want to re-add the title of your case along with the geographic location you're targeting.

Adding a Custom Field to Cases

Custom Fields within the cases section are data entry fields for that patient. Adding these categories to your gallery provides a more consistent delivery of patient information. This is not the place where you enter the specific age of the case you are adding, rather it allows you to make the age field available for later use. It is not necessary to add Custom Fields to your gallery but they do give your gallery a greater user experience by allowing the user to filter the cases based on your provided data.

Adding a New Image

To upload your image, click the ‘Choose a File’ button, select the image file to upload, and click ‘Open’. You also have the option to drag and drop your before and after images directly from your desktop into the Image Bank.

Note: It is not necessary to size your images before uploading. However, it is recommended as it is best if both the before and after images are the same resolution.

Adding a New Image Set

An image set is a pair of Before-and-After images for a particular case. Each view of your gallery case should be added to a new image set. For example, if you have six images per case, you will need to add 3 Image Sets, one for the frontal, lateral and oblique views.

To add a new image set, you'll first need to to upload your images into the Image Bank. Once the images are inside of the Image Bank, you'll then be able to drag and drop them into the blank before and after fields to create your image set. You'll want to title each image with a Before or After title depending on the image. You can change the order of the image set with the sort arrows on the top right of each set.

On the top left corner of each image case their will be a green Active button that signifies the case is live. If you do not want these images to appear on the website, you'll need to click on the green Active button to deactivate them. 

Adding More Than Two Images Per Case

When adding more than two images per case, be sure to create a second Image Set for the additional images. In the image above, we can see the 2 pairs of images were uploaded into separate Image Sets.

Viewing Your Work

To view your work as your potential patients will see it, click the gray ‘Preview’ button to the right of Categories, Cases, or Image set sections. The photos will display as they appear in the gallery.

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“I have been working with Einstein Medical for 3 years. Girard Evalle and Michael Berman have been wonderful to work with. Everything that we have planned with regards to SEO, Lead generation , website rankings and website design have been excellent. Highly recommended.”
- Gaston Tessada, Managing Director of Oasis of Hope Hospital
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